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Feel free to call us with any questions – (662) 234-2821

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Our Team

Stephanie Allen

Stephanie Allen

Operations Officer
Richie Alvarez

Richie Alvarez

Community President, Tupelo
Portrait of Peyton Atchley

Peyton Atchley

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Cindi Baddour

Cindi Baddour

Branch Manager
Portrait of Johnny Barrett

John L. Barrett

President and CEO
Emily Benedict

Emily Benedict

Mortgage Loan Officer

Brandi Binder

Business Services Specialist
Portrait of Donna Bridges

Donna Bridges

Senior Vice President, Retail Manager
Portrait of Jeff Cousar

Jeff Cousar

Senior Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer
Portrait of Michael Ferris

Michael Ferris

Senior Vice President, Chief Lending Officer
Portrait of Misty Fiew

Misty Fiew

Senior Vice President, Chief Risk Officer
Portrait of Elise Grenley

Elise Grenley

Business Development Rep
James Harper, SVP, General Counsel / CDFI Coordinator

James D. Harper

Senior Vice President, General Counsel / CDFI Coordinator
Raymond Hawkins

Raymond L. Hawkins

Senior Vice President, Head of Operations

Ragan Hayward

Senior Vice President, Chief Credit Officer
Portrait of Campbell Helveston

Campbell Helveston

Senior Vice President, Chief Banking Officer
Photo of Drew Hull

Drew Hull

Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer
Clayton Jarvis

Clayton Jarvis

Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer
Anna Langham

Anna Langham

Human Resources Officer
Brandy Lokey

Brandy Lokey

Branch Manager
Rebecca Maclin

Rebecca Maclin

Account Services Officer
Molly May

Molly May

Branch Manager
Charly McClatchy, Vice President, Finance

Charly McClatchy

Vice President, Finance

Andy Miller

Business Development & Consumer Lender
Chloe Mitchell

Chloe Mitchell

Branch Manager, Tupelo
Portrait of Pam Murphree

Pam Murphree

Vice President, Consumer Loan Officer
Photo of Lauren Pace

Lauren Pace

Fraud Specialist
Shay Seals

Shay Seals

Business Development / Consumer Lender
Jessica Smith, Branch Manager

Jessica Smith

Branch Manager, Water Valley
Portrait of Bill Taylor

Bill Taylor

Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer

Tina Tidwell

Retail Banking Officer / Universal Banker Manager
Portrait of Martha Thompson

Martha Thompson

Vice President, Customer Advocacy / Retail Banking Officer
Portrait of Melanie Thompson

Melanie Thompson

Senior Vice President, Director of HR & Marketing
Ross Welch, Senior Vice President, Controller

Ross Welch

Senior Vice President, Controller